BenchMark Public Adjusting Group

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Claim Nightmares: The Persistence of Smoke

Claim Nightmares: The Persistence of Smoke

Many policyholders find that after their claims have been paid and repairs to their properties are completed, the smell of smoke still lingers. Though psychology can play a role in this phenomenon, the persistence of a "smokey" smell generally means that the extent of the damage to the policyholder's property was greater than what was repaired.

While the smell of smoke can be annoying (and even traumatic), that discomfort pales in comparison to the effects of living in an environment contaminated with the carcinogens left behind from the smoke; particulate matter that is so densely accumulated in some areas that it can even be perceived by our sense of smell. When a structure burns it is not just the wood that burns, but nearly everything inside - including: styrofoam, plastics, PVC piping, cleaning chemicals, insulation, rubber, and just about anything else that will catch fire in temperatures of up to 600 degrees Celsius. For this reason, it is crucial to consider smoke damages along with the initial damages caused by fire in any fire related claim.

In the event that final payment has been accepted and the claim has been closed, policyholders are often left to their own devices (and funds) to further address any potential damages caused by smoke that were missed in the initial repairs. While this may seem antithetical to the very purpose of insurance - it is important to remember that many of these are private companies and corporations with their own employees, executives, and shareholders who still expect to be paid. With that said, it only makes sense that insurance companies would choose to advocate for themselves over you, the policyholders. It may seem like an unfair system –but the truth is that every insuring agreement requires the recipient (policyholder) to prove the value of their own losses. This confuses many policyholders, who often have a company adjuster show up at their door within 24hrs after filing their claim - but there is always a price to be paid for convenience, and that price may not be seen until after the claim has been closed.

In order to gain peace of mind and be assured that their claim is being properly handled by professionals who protect the policyholder's interests, many residential and business property owners will hire a Public Adjusting firm to prove the extent of loss incurred at their respective properties instead of dealing directly with their carriers - as Public Adjusters are the ONLY type of adjusters who are licensed to exclusively represent the interests of the insured. With that in mind, it makes sense that savvy policyholders are hiring Public Adjusting Firms each day to represent their claims instead of deferring to the company adjusters assigned to them who are paid directly by the insurance company to protect the carrier’s interests.

Are you, or is someone you know, currently dealing with an insurance claim? Contact us today to see how BenchMark Public Adjusting Group can manage you claim and maximize the indemnification you receive for damages incurred!